Our operational performance is backed by a sound safety record, details of which are outlined below.

We are mindful of operating responsibly, and signed to abide by the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards and the World Bank Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines as part of the financing. An Environmental and Social Action Plan is in place to ensure compliance and the internationally reputable Environmental and Social (E&S) company Golder Associates has been retained to guide us in our bid to operate in line with international best practice. Reducing our environmental impact is a core consideration in how we operate, and we have well established Health, Safety and Environment policies and procedures in place.

Prioritizing Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)

Protecting the environment and the health and safety of our employees, contractors, clients and the communities in which we operate are a core focus. HSE is a recognized part of our culture, and forms the basis of all decisions. We aim to comply with all applicable laws and relevant industry standards to protect the health and safety of all who are associated with our business activities, while minimizing any adverse impact on the environment.

Independent engineer Advisian undertook an environmental, safety, social and governance due diligence of our operations, which was presented to the lenders as part of the financing closed in November 2019. This was an update of Advisian’s January 2018 review, and included an assessment of compliance with regulatory requirements, standards and guidelines, and a review of the actions taken to address recommendations made in the previous report to reduce identified risks:

  • Applicable local and international regulatory requirements including all environmental licences, permits and authorizations (including wastewater treatment, air emissions from combined gas cycle, including greenhouse gas emissions, and hazardous material handling);
  • Equator Principles and IFC Performance Standards (2012);
  • World Bank Group General EHS Guidelines (2007) and EHS Guidelines for LNG Facilities (2017).

Overall, Advisian’s due diligence identified no critical or fatal flaws, although they made recommendations to optimize our operations and the related expansion plans (reviewed in 2020). As required by the Equator Principles, Advisian prepared an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) to address areas of non-compliance, which was agreed and incorporated into our senior loans facilities agreements. We retained Golder Associates to complement our E&S team to deliver the ESAP requirements.

As part of our commitment to operating responsibly, we are working on feasibility studies to install renewable energy sources, with hydro and wind projects under way; read more on our Renewable Energy case study.

Our continuous improvement ethos, internal and external reviews of our processes and compliance with standards support the implementation of good practices to reduce incidents. In 2019, our own personnel and contractors worked 398,658 accumulated hours. There were no incidents with fatalities or disabilities, restricted work injuries (RWI) or medical treatment injuries (MTI), only the occurrence of one injury with lost time (LTI). Relative to 2018 this represents a reduction in injuries of 89% and a reduction of 4.1 points on the Frequency Rate Total Recordable Injuries. The table below summarizes our incident performance compared with 2018.